Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Irrevocable words

This morning, a nor'easter slipped up the coast of Maine,
piled relentless, blowing snow, as if to
tease the hard working shoveler, as if to
toy with those who'd have order restored, as if to
dump something accumulative into our laps,
something unexpected, hard to fathom, just here,
leaving us with no recourse other than
to accept the very fact of it.

Words sometimes arrive like nor'easters.
Out of nowhere they fall and begin
to pile up--leaving mounds of questions,
self doubt, worry. As destructively
as an avalanche, they grow in volume until
the weight of even a single word
has the potential to crush things--
sweet confidence, sheer faith,
blind hope, solid trust,
true belief that as things stand,
so they are.


Blogger gfh said...

Words can crush far faster than they can uplift. Are they always irrevocable, or do they require more explanation? Will that explanation come? Are words better than silence?

11:26 PM  
Blogger Excalibur said...

Very powerful message, Judy.

10:51 PM  

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