Sunday, December 24, 2006

For Cerridwen Elektra, Christmas 2006


One of the Old Ones,
Goddess of the Celtic World,
Maiden, Mother and Crone.

Old woman of wisdom, magic and power,
she speaks through our ancestors, our grandmothers.
All races and all generations know her only
when they shed preconception and prejudice.


Daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra,
cloud nymph and wife of sea god,
mother of rainbow and storm wind,
the bright or brilliant one,
a Goddess of clouds with silver linings.

She brought forth a race apart of daughters--
three thousand light-stepping daughters--
bright children among the goddesses
who look after the earth and the depths of standing water.

Cerridwen Elektra--

You wear your ancestral name well.
It honors wisdom beyond your years,
the magic possible when we believe,
and the power of the feminine voice.

You are enchanting,
a fairy cloud nymph,
a light-stepping daughter.
You stride forward into the world of all women
riding rainbows and storm clouds alike,
revealing always the silver lining.

Youngest of the Old Ones,
you are Mother, Maiden, Crone,
and I love you with all my heart.



Blogger gfh said...

That's for Cerri? I love it:).

11:42 PM  
Blogger gfh said...

If you don't get this, J, I'll email you. I'm tagging you to write "6 weird things about me". See my blog for my answers. Since I heard the name Cerridwen tonight, I thought her poem would be the one to use to ask you to do this meme:)!

10:33 PM  
Blogger Judy said...

What weird things? About you? What answers? I looked but didn't see them in your blog.


2:12 PM  

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