Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Blocked Road

Jelaluddin Rumi was born in 1207 and was a Persian theological scholar, teacher of Sufism, artist and poet. I've just begun to discover the beauty of his poetry. Here's one that spoke to me.

The Blocked Road

I wish I knew what you wanted.

You block the road and won't give me rest.

You pull my lead-rope one way, then the other.

You act cold, my darling!

Do you hear what I say?

Will this night of talking ever end?

Why am I still embarrassed and timid about you?

You are thousands. You are one.

Quiet, but most articulate.

Your name is Spring.

Your name is wine.

Your name is nausea

that comes from wine!

You are my doubting

and the lightpoints

in my eyes.

You are every image, and yet

I'm homesick for you.

Can I get there?

Where the deer pounces on the lion,

where the one I'm after's

after me?

This drum and these words keep pounding!

Let them both smash through their coverings

into silence.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this poem!

6:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could take credit for it, but it was by Rumi, a favorite poet of mine.

9:12 AM  

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